Throughout the cemetery grounds, loved ones are memorialized with a specially designed monument, personalized headstone, in-ground flush markers or personalized plaques.
The Cemetery staff can provide information on local resources to aid in decision making. The Cemetery reserves the right to regulate the kind, sign, design, quality and material of all grave markers, other memorials and foundations which are placed in the cemetery. This enables the Cemetery to keep the improvements and appearance of the cemetery in conformance with the section’s purpose and philosophy.
Cremation Urns
The Blairsville Staff is also familiar with the variety in selection, and size of cremation urns and receptacles, and can provide resource information.
The Blairsville staff is also familiar with the variety in selection and size of cremation vases based on the family’s personal desires. We are available to help you select the most appropriated memorial vase for the cremated remains, based on final interment arrangements.
The Blairsville Cemetery Office offers a variety of lot purchase options to accommodate diverse needs of area residents. Lots are available as a single grave lot, companion lots, small family lots and family estate lots.
Interment is defined as the process in which the burial of human remains or the inurnment of cremated human remains takes place, from the originating call to the recording of interment records.
Interment Rights are the particular right to inter the remains of a deceased person in a specific interment space within the cemetery, subject to any limitations set forth in the Cemetery Bylaws. Said right is an easement right to a specific location. An owner of an interment right does not; by virtue of such ownership acquire ownership of the interment space or of the land or improvements within the Cemetery.
Additional Interment Rights may be purchased by the lot owner. The lot owner has a right to be buried in the grave purchased. In order to inter additional cremated remains an additional interment right must be purchased. If only cremated remains are to be interred, on a lot, up to four cremated remains may be placed in a lot.