2009 — 2010 Joint Campaign
The Blairsville Cemetery Company and local Veteran's Organizations have teamed up to improve the area surrounding the Veteran's Circle at Blairsville Cemetery by creating brick walkways.
The bricks for the walks may be purchased in remembrance or honor of a veteran or loved one for $100.00 each and engraved with up to three lines of text (limit of 19 characters per line including spaces and punctuation).
Below are a few examples of possible brick wording
W.W.I Remembrance |
In Loving Memory of |
In Honor of |
Pvt. John Smith |
Grandma Ellie Smith |
Pvt. Joe Smith |
11/11/1917 |
1920-1988 |
Iraq- War-2006 |
If you would like to purchase a Remembrance Brick to be included in the walkways to the
Veteran's Circle please complete the form below and return it with your check payable to:
Blairsville Cemetery Company/Remembrance Bricks
609 E. Market Street
Blairsville, PA 15717
Sale of bricks are needed to complete the Veterans circle
Remembrance Bricks do not need to be of a Veteran, deceased Veteran, or a deceased loved one.
They can be in honor of someone also.